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From Saecula Novae
- 18:24, 13 June 2014 Spec Dinosauria: Titanosauria (hist | edit) [12,592 bytes] HybridPlease (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center| To most humans, the sauropod is the archetypal dinosaur. These long-necked colossi were the dominant terrestrial herbivores throughout the Jur...")
- 17:48, 10 June 2014 Mass extinction (hist | edit) [21,058 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "While extinction of population, genetic lineages or entire species are a common occurrence in the history of life, '''mass extinctions''' - brief times of crisis where both th...")
- 13:50, 14 May 2014 Phylogeny (hist | edit) [11,684 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Also see: Evolutionthumb|200px|Ernst Haeckel's "Tree of Life" (1866).thumb|200px|A modern phylogenetic tree. ''...")
- 22:03, 10 April 2014 Reproduction (hist | edit) [43,271 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Together with energy gathering and management, reproduction is one of the basic functions of life - in fact, something usually used to define lif...")
- 09:34, 31 March 2014 Offense and defense (hist | edit) [34,763 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The complex of biochemical, physiological, energetic and mechanical systems that make up an organism are extremely vulnerable to threats from the environment, and the greatest...")
- 19:45, 20 March 2014 Perception (hist | edit) [68,063 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==Mechanical senses== ===Touch=== ===Hearing=== ====Echolocation==== ==Chemical senses== ===Olfaction=== ===Taste=== ==Electromagnetic senses== ===Sight=== ====Eye structure=...")
- 19:38, 20 March 2014 Fermi Paradox (hist | edit) [8,364 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also see: Drake Equation, Intelligent aliens, Speculative civilizations'' '''Fermi Paradox''' was first pointed out in 1950 by the physicists [http://en.wikiped...")
- 12:12, 19 March 2014 Planetary models (hist | edit) [30,702 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|350px|Top row, left to right: Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter; bottom row, left to right: Europa, Io, Titan, Triton. (Not in scale.) ''Also see...")
- 11:37, 6 March 2014 Speculative bioenergetics (hist | edit) [82,819 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To mantain their structure and functions, living beings need a constant flow of energy from the environment (and to a sink, in the form of heat). [")
- 19:15, 5 February 2014 Beyond Earth (The Future is Far) (hist | edit) [1,643 bytes] Dragontunders (talk | contribs) (Created page with "this is part of the future is far, and it is about the development of the human race off the planet earth. == history == after the collapse of civilization, and its recover...")
- 14:47, 13 January 2014 The Future is Far (hist | edit) [2,301 bytes] Dragontunders (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a future evolution project which will see the development of life in the next 1 billion years. It is not only about the evolution of life on earth, but also will look ...")
- 14:36, 13 January 2014 All Tomorrows (hist | edit) [5,983 bytes] Dragontunders (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Alltomorrows (2008) is a book written and illustrated by Nemo Ramjet. It tells the story of the human race in the next billion years, counting from the date man colonized othe...")
- 13:54, 13 January 2014 Speculative biomechanics (hist | edit) [113,136 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "On the largest scale, the shape and the basic structure of organisms are dictated by two things: their function and mechanics. The size of a living being, the way organs and c...")
- 18:36, 11 January 2014 Speculative physiology (hist | edit) [1,877 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "When designing an organism living on another planet, on Earth in a distant future or in an :Category:Alterna...")
- 21:47, 1 January 2014 Dinosauria (Spec) (hist | edit) [9,198 bytes] Admantus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Myriad differences exist between the respective biotas of Spec and Home-Earth, but the first glaring distinction to impress itself upon a visitor would be the dinosaurs. Spec'...") originally created as "Spec: Dinosauria"
- 21:46, 1 January 2014 Spec Dinosauria: Tyrannosauroidea (hist | edit) [22,945 bytes] Admantus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Dtyrahead Chase (fig. 1) Nian, Smilotyrannus sinensis and Shantank,Ceronychoides gravis (Eastern Asia) SilentkeeperAdded by Silentkeeper The mere mention of “meat-eating...")
- 21:45, 1 January 2014 Cenoceratopsia (Spec) (hist | edit) [22,971 bytes] Admantus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "CENOCERATOPSIA Across the warmer parts of the globe, herds of giant herbivorous ornithopods dominate the landscape. However, when trudging through the forests and swamps of t...") originally created as "Spec Dinosauria: Cenoceratopsia"
- 21:32, 1 January 2014 Carakiller (hist | edit) [1,061 bytes] Citrakayah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumbThe '''carakiller '''is descended from the crested caracara and is quite similar to the terror birds (family Phorusrhacidae) of the early Cenozoic...")
- 21:29, 1 January 2014 Babookari (hist | edit) [1,328 bytes] Citrakayah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|246px|Babookari out on the prairieThe '''babookari '''is a species of monkey living in the prairies of the Amazon in 5 million year...")
- 21:21, 1 January 2014 Roachcutter (hist | edit) [737 bytes] Citrakayah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|A Roachcutter in flight.The '''roachcutter '''is a small purple bird with a thick beak and eyes on short turrets. It is descended from the...")
- 20:42, 26 December 2013 The Future is Wild (hist | edit) [11,615 bytes] Citrakayah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{documentary infobox |Title = The Future is Wild |Image file = The future is wild case.jpg |Image size = 200px |Format = Speculative fiction, science fiction |Starring = See ...")
- 13:05, 15 December 2013 Speculative civilizations (hist | edit) [78,593 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Origin and development== ==Culture and psychology== ==Language and writing== ==Governments== ==Advanced civilizations== ==Examples in speculative biology== ==References== <r...")
- 10:37, 13 December 2013 Drake Equation (hist | edit) [20,416 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also see: Fermi Paradox'' The '''Drake Equation''' is a mathematical equation, created in 1961 by the astronomer [ Frank Drake],...")
- 19:02, 12 December 2013 Intelligence on Earth (hist | edit) [26,629 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also see: Intelligence, Development of intelligence'' The hypothetical rise of intelligence is of great interest in speculative biology proj...")
- 18:26, 12 December 2013 Development of intelligence (hist | edit) [18,413 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also see: Intelligence on Earth'' We don't know exactly what mechanism brought to the appearance and development of an intelligence similar to ours, si...")
- 18:54, 8 December 2013 Intelligence (hist | edit) [47,330 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also see: Development of intelligence, Intelligence on Earth, Intelligent aliens'' Intelligence is hard to define exactly: it can be interpreted as a mental fea...")
- 16:03, 6 December 2013 Habitable solar systems (hist | edit) [38,958 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==The galaxy== Most galaxies fall into three kinds: ''irregular galaxies'' are small and formless masses of stars, rich in dust and hydrogen and containing mostly younger star...")
- 14:24, 5 December 2013 Alien planets (hist | edit) [53,686 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also see: Extrasolar planet'' ==Geology== Though there are speculation about [ life on gas giants], as far as...")
- 13:47, 5 December 2013 Alternative biochemistry (hist | edit) [40,982 bytes] Concavenator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Despite its diversity, all [ life] on [ Earth] displays a remarkable similarity at biochemical level: all th...")